These are the listings of DVDs and photos available from the Bethel Ministerial Association Spring Conferfences. Check any year out you desire.
The link will take you to each year and give you available photos and video from each of the sessions and services that conference.
If you would like to order a DVD of the entire service,
please call (812-923-8951) or email me, tell me which DVDs you would prefer, send 5$ per DVD to this address:
Dave Matthews, BPH
6899 Scottsville Navilleton Rd
Floyds Knobs, IN 47119
I will produce your DVDs and mail them directly to you.
Please let us know if you enjoy your DVDs and/or viewing these previews. Remember that all profits from sales of BMA resources go directly to Bethel Youth Camp programs.
God bless,
Dave Matthews
 Spring 24 BMA Conference, Crosby Church, Crosby, TX
 Spring 23 BMA Conference, Hatfield Bethel Church, Hatfield, IN
 Spring 22 BMA Conference, Crosby Church, Crosby, TX
 Spring 21 BMA Conference, Hatfield Bethel Church, Hatfield, IN
Spring 20 BMA Conference, Cancelled Due to Covid
 Spring 19 BMA Conference, Bethel Youth Camp and Conference Center, Dale, IN
 Spring 18 BMA Conference, Summitville Baptist Church, Summitville, IN
 Spring 17 BMA Conference, Temple of God Full Gospel Church, San Antonio, TX
 Spring 16 BMA Conference, Full Gospel Evangelistic Center, Lincoln, IL
 Spring 15 BMA Conference, Hillside Bethel Tabernacle, Decatur, IL
 Spring 14 BMA Conference, Bethel Church, Hatfield, IN
 Spring 13 BMA Conference, Bethel Youth Camp and Conference Center, Dale, IN
 Spring 12 BMA Conference, Crosby Church, Crosby, TX and Caribbean Cruise
 Spring 11 BMA Conference, Bethel Youth Camp and Conference Center, Dale, IN
 Spring 10 BMA Conference, Victory Christian Center, Bloomington, IL
 Spring 09 BMA Conference, Crown Point Church, Vandalia, IL
 Spring 08 BMA Conference, Bethel Temple Community Church, Evansville, IN
 Spring 07 BMA Conference, Bethel Church, Leroy, IL
 Spring 06 BMA Conference, Bethel Church, Hatfield, IN
 Spring 05 BMA Conference, Crosby Church, Crosby, TX
 Spring 04 BMA Conference, Boonville Worship Center, Boonville, IN
 Spring 03 BMA Conference, Bethel Church, Hatfield, IN
 Spring 02 BMA Conference, Bethel Church, Bloomington, IL
 Spring 01 BMA Conference, Bethel Church, Mahomet, IL and Bethel Church, Bloomington, IL
Churches and Ministries
Youth Camp
Doc Varnell
Web Site Designed by Rev Dave Matthews. To contact him, send an e-mail to: