6899 Scottsville Navilleton Rd
Floyds Knobs, IN 47119

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Books written by BMA Authors

Newly published book
by missionary Ron Bishop

The Elisha Factor:
Living the Double-Portion Life
by Rev Kevin Horath

The Foolishness of God
by Rev Nola Warren

World Missions Are They Worth the Investment? by Rev Nola Warren

History of the BMA
by Rev David Matthews

The Way Up
by Rev Jose Rodriguez

The Pharoh Factor:
Living with a Hardened Heart
by Rev Kevin Horath

Tough Talk to a Stubborn Spouse
by Rev Steve Schwambach

Devotion Explosion
by Rev Steve Schwambach

For Lovers Only
by Rev Steve Schwambach

Why Did I Say I Do?
by Rev Steve Schwambach

Hey God, There's a Bug in My Pew!
by Rev Jerry Van Ronk