Journal of Meetings of the Evangelistic Ministerial Alliance, circa 1937
We've always had minutes of the meetings of our gatherings. Check out these first recorded meetings we have history of. Click on any page to see/read the full size copy. Read the transcript below. Enjoy!
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Front cover reads: “Record Book of the Evangelistic Ministerial Alliance” (Page 1) Apostolic Bible Conference convened at the Gospel Tabernacle, 616. N Union St. Kokomo, Ind. May 31 ended June 4:1934 (believe this to be 1937) Bible Conference began with a much larger delegation than was expected. Opening Message by the Rev. W.J. Logan (Newly elected pastor of the tabernacle) Who brought a stirring message, namely The Need of the hour. Followed by the Rev. A F Varnell, who spoke on the subject. Blessed are the poor in spirit. Evangelistic opened at 7 p.m. with special singing and music. Message of the evening brought by the Rev Carl Fraese. Namely. “The Way of God. Tues. June 1, 34 Bible discussion on how should a Christian spend Sunday. Including talks on family reunions, etc. This was led by Sis. Varnell. Several others followed. Afternoon Message by Bro. Paul Grant of Logansport, Ind. On The Kingdom of God. Evangelistic Services 7p.m. First Message by Rev Chas Rhoades of Decatur, Ill. Followed by Rev. Holloman Who spoke on prepare to meet thy God. Alter call given by Bro Hoag of Evansville, Ind. Wed June 2-34 Prayer service from 8 to 9 p.m. Conducted by Rev. M.D. Hornbeck of Bloomington, Ill. 11:00 a.m. Bible discussion on When is the blood applied, presented by Rev. I.E. Wilson of Decatur, Ill. Followed by Rev Grant of Logansport. (Page 2) Many of the brethren took part in the discussion, a Christian spirit prevailed throughout the afternoon. Decision was, that the Blood was applied by the channel of faith when one made contact with God, and should by all means be followed with Baptism by immersion in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Missionary talk on India given by Rev. Jacob DeVriese of Royal Center, Ind. Evening service at 8.30. Message by Bro Hoag. Sub. God’s Verdict June 4 June 4 Thurs. morning prayer service from 8 to 9 by Bro Holloman. 10:00 a.m. Discussion led by Bro Logan. Namely, When Should a church member be excommunicated. Afternoon message by Bro Varnell on Different fillings of the Spirit. Evening Message by Sis Katie B. Laurence of Decatur who spoke on Adam Where art thou? Followed by Bro Wilson Whose sub was God’s plan for Divine healing. Quite a number were healed. June 4 After service a business meeting was called by Bro Varnell, who presided over the session in Bro. Logan’s apartment. Notes on Business session. Resolved that we change our name from the Apostolic Bible Conference to the Evangelistic Ministerial Alliance. Our aim, unity of the Spirit Our Purpose. Evangelism. Our Faith. The Bible. (Where the Bible speaks, we speak. Where the Bible is silent We are Silent) (Page 3) Resolved that the officers of the Apostolic Bible Conference be carried over and have the same position in the E.M.A. Also for them to hold their Present Position for one year. Which will end June 4, 1938. Officers of the present time consist of I.E. Wilson, Secretary. Paul Grant, W.M.K. Hoag, A.F. Varnell Conference Committee. Due to the fact that Bro Varnell was selected to act as chairman of the E.M.A., He resigned as member of the Conference Committee. Motion made, second and carried that Bro Hornbeck serve in Bro Varnell’s place. Resolved that the conference committee act as an advisory Board and grevious committee for the organization. June 5, 37 Prayer Service by Bro. Logan. 10:00 a.m. Discussion on Methods of modern Warfare. Presented by Sis Varnell, followed by others. Evening Service at 7:30 Ordination service, Message by Bro Varnell, I.E. Wilson and J.D. Logan. Were ordained by Bro Varnell, Bro Grant and Bro Hornbeck. Evening Message by Bro Atkins of Kokomo, Ind. Conference closed. I.E. Wilson, Secretary (Page 4) Nov 22, 1937 to Nov 26, 37 Evangelistic Ministerial Alliance Convened at the South Bend Gospel Light House Nov 22 Evening evangelistic services opened at 7.30 Special singing and music. Followed with a message by Bro Humbard of Hot Springs, Ark. Who spoke on, Jesus as the Hub of the Wheel. 2. Tues Nov 23. 37. Prayer service at 8a.m. conducted by Bro Holloman 10:30 Then Sub of current events which portray the drama of the end time was discussed, opened by Bro Grant, followed by Bro Wilson, Bro Hornbeck, Bro Holloman, Bro Holloman and Bro Logan. 2,00 oclock services opened with songs & prayer. Sub Is there a Difference between Begotten and Born of the spirit. Opened by Bro Varnell, Followed by Bro Humbard. Decision was terms can be used interchangably and could not run parlell with the natural birth. Natural, after begettal waits for flesh to develop (spiritual No flesh to develop. Evangelistic services. 7.00 First speaker Bro. Hornbeck. Next Bro P. Grant. 3. Wed. 10,00 oclock. Bible discussion. Namely Is there a difference between the righteous and Holy people; ans. No. Righteousness is Holiness worked out. 1.p.m. Young peoples meeting. Bro Wilson in charge, Bro Holloman & Bro Roy Simpkins made a talk on faithfulness. Plans were presented for young people to work Bro Wilson was selected for young peoples leader. Evangelistic service by Bro. Hornbeck. 4. Thurs Morning. Sis Humbard had Prayer service. (Page 5) Morning Service Praise and testimony Meeting 1p.m. Sub. Christian Standards. Opened by Bro Wilson, followed by Bro Hornbeck and Bro Wellens Midget Preacher. Thurs. Evening Ordination service Sermon. By Bro Varnell. Bro Elmer Sheperd of Clinton, Ill and Bro Hansom Holloman of Leroy, Ill. Were ordained. Message by Sis Laurence of Decatur, Ill followed by Bro Wilson. Sub How Strong is the Church? 5. Fri Morning. Prayer meeting by Bro Grant. Bible Discussion the Various Judgments. By Bro. Holloman. Next by Bro Varnell and Bro Grant. Evening service. First memssage by Bro. Sheperd followed by Bro Holloman. Wed evening after supper a business was held in basement of church. Statement by Bro Varnell that it would be better to have credentials with W.F.M.A and still have our separate unit or council. Resolved that we change our name from E.M.A. to E.M. Council. Carried. Thurs Evening after supper Business meeting. Decided next conference to be in Bloomington, Ill at 911.58. Ask Bro. Hornbeck Pastor. |
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