Text: Matthew 7:21-23 "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."
Objective: To introduce the Camp Theme, “Is He in You?” Start from the initial work of Salvation in our lives. Does Jesus know each camper? Is He in each of them?
Discussion: Discussing issues about our walk in Jesus is totally useless unless we first find ourselves saved by Him. Our theme, “Is He In You?” is a play on the slogan produced by Gatoraid, a famous sports drink. Their slogan is, “Is IT in you?” Everyone knows what the advertisers mean by the question, “Is it in you?” Is the power to have fame, success and fortune in you, like it is in all the sports heroes who advertise the product? We all want to “be like Mike” (Michael Jordan) and have his success. I wonder if we want to be like Jesus with the same enthusiasm that we want to be like our favorite hero of the day? The obvious message of the Gatoraid commercials is that “IT” is in Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant.....what ever “IT” is. Would the testimony of those around us be that it is obvious the “HE” is in you if they were asked about us, “Is HE in you?”
I have a feeling many of us would feel that those around us would definitely say, “Why, of course, Jesus is in him or her.” And the reason we feel that way would probably include a long list of what we do that demonstrates our allegiance to Him and demonstrates His presence in us. But take a look at the list of “things” listed in Matthew 7:21-23 again. Some will say, we prophesied, even in Jesus’ name. Others will say, “we cast out demons” while some might say “we did wonderful works.” Yet the response by Jesus to some who will say these things will be that He never knew them. It must be possible to do a lot for Jesus.....even to know a lot about Jesus.....without really knowing Him.......and more importantly, having Him know ME. Make sure every camper in your class has a chance to KNOW Him and have Him know them today.
Questions to Ponder:
“I never knew you”, Jesus will say to some. Does Jesus know you? Is He in You?
1. Not by saying Lord, Lord
2. Not by works, “lest any man should boast”
3. Not by who we think we know but by whether He knows me
Evidenced by doing the will of the Father..... “If you love me, keep my commandments.”
Does this passage of scripture refer to judgment after this life? To the final judgment?
What is the real basis of whether Jesus “knows” us or not?
Is this a popularity thing? Like, who knows who? What does the scripture mean by, “I never knew
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