7055 Manker St.
Indianapolis, IN 46227

Churches and Ministries - Missions - Youth Camp - Conferences - BPH - Leadership - Doctrine - History
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Application for Ministerial License with BMA

Application for Rental of Youth Camp/Conference Center Grounds with BMA

Books written by BMA Authors

Newly published book
by missionary Ron Bishop

The Elisha Factor:
Living the Double-Portion Life
by Rev Kevin Horath

The Foolishness of God
by Rev Nola Warren

World Missions Are They Worth the Investment? by Rev Nola Warren

History of the BMA
by Rev David Matthews

The Way Up
by Rev Jose Rodriguez

The Pharoh Factor:
Living with a Hardened Heart
by Rev Kevin Horath

Tough Talk to a Stubborn Spouse
by Rev Steve Schwambach

Devotion Explosion
by Rev Steve Schwambach

For Lovers Only
by Rev Steve Schwambach

Why Did I Say I Do?
by Rev Steve Schwambach

Hey God, There's a Bug in My Pew!
by Rev Jerry Van Ronk

Videos Produced by BMA

Microsoft/Windows version (6mb) of "Preacher" video
Watch "Preacher" video on YouTube

Watch "BMA Past/History" video on YouTube

Watch "BMA Youth Camp Programs" video on YouTube

Order these videos and others (an hour of BMA history/Youth Camps/Conferences) by sending Dave and email
or phone him at 812-923-8951 for just $10 -or- send a check for $10 to Dave at 6899 Scottsville Navilleton Rd, Floyds Knobs, IN 47119.

Resources from BMA Spring Conference Services and Meetings

Resources from BMA Fall Conference Services and Meetings

Sermons by BMA Pastors, Preachers and Evangelists

Photos and Videos from Bethel Youth Conferences, Ignite Your One on One Time with Jesus
A daily devotional on the web with Rev Steve Schwambach

Past Youth Camp Lessons

Media and CDs recorded by BMA Ministers

Please note, all profits from sales of any BMA resources go directly to our Bethel Youth Camp programs.

Web Site Designed by Rev Dave Matthews. To contact him, send an e-mail to:


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